ID: VM - 209 - Low
Location: Saudi Arabia,
Rafha Airbase
Time: 0101 hrs
Conditions: Clear
Destination: Open
Desert Waypoint 1
Primary Objective: Kill
Secondary Objective: Protect
Waypoint 0: Rafha
Final Approach
Waypoint 1: Open Desert
(31.0 nm)
Waypoint 2: Start
location Rafha
Waypoint 3: n/a
Recover at: Rafha
Hornet Two Loadout: Fuel,
6 x AIM-9
Hornet Three Loadout: n/a
Hornet Four Loadout: n/a
Attacks by IQAAF Migs on Allied airbases are occurring with increased
frequency over the last few nights. Two recent attacks on Rafha were crushed
by USAAF F-16s but these crews need a break. You and Hornet Two are ordered
to replace the F-16s on a CAP North of Rafha.
Launch from Rafha Airbase and follow Hornet Two to your first Waypoint
at 360KIAS and 8,000 feet ASL. Stay right with him. He is not carrying any
AMRAAMs as stocks are low. You are the main BVR "shooter" on this
sortie if you come in contact with IQAAF fighters.
Two more F-16s are on a CAP around Qasumah Airbase in the East and have
reported sporadic contacts with low-flying fast movers heading North.
You must splash any and all IQAAF aircraft which come within 50 miles
of Rafha.
Recover at Rafha Airbase |